[BAWD #13] On Performance and Algorithm Complexity Analysis
Hello there 👋🏾,
I trust you had a great week?! Btw, here’s a friendly reminder it’s fine if you don’t know a lot now about whatever you’re learning. Learning is a process and you should enjoy every bit of the journey 🙂.
If you love the content I share, please forward this email, share it on social media or invite your friends to subscribe. I’ll also appreciate your feedback(s) or suggestion(s); thanks!
Featured Articles ✍️🏾
An Introduction to the JAMstack: The Architecture of the Modern Web.
How to get experience as a software engineer by Kent C. Dodds.
Delete Unused node_modules From Your Computer Like a Pro With "npkill" by Stefan Natter.
A beginner’s guide to Big O Notation by Rob Bell.
The “Bug-O” Notation by Dan Abramov.
3 Ways to Achieve In-Sprint Test Automation by Angie Jones.
Diary of A Student-Teacher, #Week1Day4 by Blessing Akpan.
How to Build a Decentralized Peer-to-peer Network in JavaScript by Nader Dabit.
Generating PDFs from Webpages by Giovanni Rago.
Product of the Week ✨
Tweetpik allows you to turn tweets into images (in SVG, PNG and JPG format). You can also use the API to fetch the SVG of a tweet via an endpoint like so:
<img src="https://api.tweetpik.com/[the-tweet-id].svg?w=420&h=420"/>
Do check it out here and upvote on Product Hunt.
Good Tidings 🔊
The ReadME Project amplifies the voices of the open source community whose contributions move the world forward every day. My mom recently got featured and she shared her amazing story.
I'm creating a curated list of resources about using the JAMstack. Do check it out and contribute too.
You can now sponsor freeCodeCamp on GitHub! Please do support Quincy and his amazing team to keep creating code learning resources for millions of people worldwide.
Performance is an essential factor when building a modern web experience in the 21st century as high performing sites engage and retain users better. Checkout this comprehensive guide to learn useful techniques for improving site performance.
Big O notation is a mathematical notation used in Computer Science to describe the performance or complexity of an algorithm. Big O describes the worst-case scenario of an algorithm, and can be used to describe the execution time or space requirements of an algorithm as the input size grows. To learn more, read this guide, watch this video, or check out this cheat sheet.
Do you know that you can move your /
directory into a /src
directory in a Next.js project and everything will work fine? 🤩 For more context, see this issue on GitHub.A Software Engineer at Twitter is looking to mentor/coach 2-3 people who are aspiring Software Developers / Engineers. Do check out the application guidelines if you’re interested.
For most students, real-world developer tools can be cost-prohibitive. Check out the GitHub Student Developer Pack, which gives students free access to the best developer tools in one place so they can learn by doing.
Interested in learning more about cloud engineering? Obinna hosts live streams to explain core cloud concepts like IAM, EC2, Google Kubernetes Engine, S3, Route 53, etc. You can watch his past streams here.
If you are a software developer, you are in the best position to invest! Get weekly financial tips on investments + a bonus cheat sheet on how to easily free extra money for investment.
Book Recommendations 📚
The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham.
How to Develop a Super Power Memory by Harry Lorayne.
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards.
Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning by Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, and Mark A. McDaniel.
High Performance JavaScript: Build Faster Web Application Interfaces by Nicholas C. Zakas
Featured Tweets 😍

Quote of the day 💙
“Action forces prioritization.
If you're stuck deciding between options, force yourself to act. You can only act on one thing at a time, which means you will have to make something the top priority.
Even if you pick wrong, you'll learn something.” —James Clear
That's all for this letter. See you next week Friday and stay safe! Please forward this email to your friends. If you've not subscribed yet, kindly subscribe below. 😊
Shout out to my current Patrons: Maya Shavin, Angie Jones, and Ifeora Okechukwu.